  • WAVE poster 1x1
  • Waves - A Young Choreographers Showcase Platform 青年编舞家培育计划 v2
  • Waves - A Young Choreographers Showcase Platform 青年编舞家培育计划 v2-1
  • Waves - A Young Choreographers Showcase Platform 青年编舞家培育计划 v2-2

WAVE · A Young Choreographers Showcase Platform

RM 40.00
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WAVE · A Young Choreographers Showcase Platform
By Dua Space Dance Theatre 共享空间专业舞团

Gathering young dancers and choreographers from diverse backgrounds, creating original dance pieces through themed discussions, providing a platform for cross-cultural dialogue. Encouraging young creators to explore different perspectives and showcase their unique artistic expressions in the project. This will be an art program with depth. Look forward to 2 months of professional incubation. #contemporary #modern #dance

汇集来自不同背景的年轻舞者及编舞者,通过主题讨论创作原创舞蹈作品,为跨文化对话提供一个平台。鼓励从不同角度进行探索,并展现独特的艺术表达,这将会是个有艺术深度的计划,敬请期待2个月的专业孵化!#现代舞 #引领时代课题

📝 Save the Date
9, 10, 11 May | 8pm | Dua Space Dance Studio

*Refreshments are provided,  welcome to stay and share after the performance. 

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